Small Web Format. SWF is a format designed to store vector graphics and animation, it may contain sound, video, text and other data. Such files are widely used for creating animation, games and playing video and audio on web pages. It is possible to open SWF files with Adobe Flash Player or with a browser that has the flash plugin installed. The letters stand for Small Web Format but it's also referred to as ShockWave Flash thanks to the fact that the files are created using Adobe Flash software.swf files can include audio, video,. An.SWF file (pronounced as 'Swiff') is a Shockwave Flash Movie file created by an Adobe program that can hold interactive text and graphics. These animation files are often used for online games played within a web browser. Some of Adobe's own products can create SWF files. SWF Home Inspections is a full service home inspection company for residential and commercial buildings across Southwest Florida. Our team is proud to offer the very best property inspection services in Florida. We guarantee our results with a 90-day warranty, plus fully digitized reporting from our cutting edge platform! This wikiHow teaches you how to download Flash games or videos. Flash games and videos can be downloaded as SWF files, though you will have to play around with the SWF file's website code by using your browser's advanced settings.
Also found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus, Medical, Legal, Financial, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia.Acronym | Definition |
SWF | Shockwave Flash (Flash animation technology) |
SWF | Sovereign Wealth Fund |
SWF | Southwest Florida (various organizations) |
SWF | Spring Web Flow (software) |
SWF | Sydney Writers' Festival (Australia) |
SWF | Südwestfunk (former Southern German Radio Station; merged with SDR to SWR) |
SWF | Shockwave Flash File |
SWF | (.NET namespace) |
SWF | Salt Water Flush (alternative medicine) |
SWF | Standard Written Form (languages) |
SWF | Secure World Foundation (space security) |
SWF | Single White Female |
SWF | Storm Water Flow (hydrology) |
SWF | Scientific Workflows (workshop) |
SWF | Shock Wave File |
SWF | Spiny Water Flea (species) |
SWF | Small Web File (Macromedia Flash movie extension) |
SWF | Star Wars Forum (gaming) |
SWF | Shallow Water Flow |
SWF | Short-wave Fade (out) |
SWF | Secret Weapons Facility (Castle Wolfenstien) |
SWF | Newburgh/Poughkeepsie, NY, USA - Stewart (Airport Code) |
SWF | Start Work Finish |
SWF | Swiss Wrestling Federation |
SWF | Strategic Weapons Facility |
SWF | Steelworker Fabricator (US Navy) |
SWF | Slow-Wave Factor |
SWF | Splash Water Falls (amusement park ride) |
SWF | Spotted Weakfish (FAO fish species code) |
SWF | Singapore Weightlifting Federation |
SWF | Straight White Female |
SWF | Salaries, Wages and Fringe |
SWF | Staff Working File |
SWF | Salary with Fringe (government accounting) |
SWF | Surface Wave Field |
SWF | System Weight Factor (Delphi Criteria under the DESP II Contract vehicle) |
SWF | Statistical Waterfilling Algorithm |
SWF | Semantic Weighting Factor (algorithm) |
Small Web Format. SWF is a format designed to store vector graphics and animation, it may contain sound, video, text and other data. Such files are widely used for creating animation, games and playing video and audio on web pages. It is possible to open SWF files with Adobe Flash Player or with a browser that has the flash plugin installed. The letters stand for Small Web Format but it's also referred to as ShockWave Flash thanks to the fact that the files are created using Adobe Flash software.swf files can include audio, video,. An.SWF file (pronounced as 'Swiff') is a Shockwave Flash Movie file created by an Adobe program that can hold interactive text and graphics. These animation files are often used for online games played within a web browser. Some of Adobe's own products can create SWF files. SWF Home Inspections is a full service home inspection company for residential and commercial buildings across Southwest Florida. Our team is proud to offer the very best property inspection services in Florida. We guarantee our results with a 90-day warranty, plus fully digitized reporting from our cutting edge platform! This wikiHow teaches you how to download Flash games or videos. Flash games and videos can be downloaded as SWF files, though you will have to play around with the SWF file's website code by using your browser's advanced settings.
Also found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus, Medical, Legal, Financial, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia.Acronym | Definition |
SWF | Shockwave Flash (Flash animation technology) |
SWF | Sovereign Wealth Fund |
SWF | Southwest Florida (various organizations) |
SWF | Spring Web Flow (software) |
SWF | Sydney Writers' Festival (Australia) |
SWF | Südwestfunk (former Southern German Radio Station; merged with SDR to SWR) |
SWF | Shockwave Flash File |
SWF | (.NET namespace) |
SWF | Salt Water Flush (alternative medicine) |
SWF | Standard Written Form (languages) |
SWF | Secure World Foundation (space security) |
SWF | Single White Female |
SWF | Storm Water Flow (hydrology) |
SWF | Scientific Workflows (workshop) |
SWF | Shock Wave File |
SWF | Spiny Water Flea (species) |
SWF | Small Web File (Macromedia Flash movie extension) |
SWF | Star Wars Forum (gaming) |
SWF | Shallow Water Flow |
SWF | Short-wave Fade (out) |
SWF | Secret Weapons Facility (Castle Wolfenstien) |
SWF | Newburgh/Poughkeepsie, NY, USA - Stewart (Airport Code) |
SWF | Start Work Finish |
SWF | Swiss Wrestling Federation |
SWF | Strategic Weapons Facility |
SWF | Steelworker Fabricator (US Navy) |
SWF | Slow-Wave Factor |
SWF | Splash Water Falls (amusement park ride) |
SWF | Spotted Weakfish (FAO fish species code) |
SWF | Singapore Weightlifting Federation |
SWF | Straight White Female |
SWF | Salaries, Wages and Fringe |
SWF | Staff Working File |
SWF | Salary with Fringe (government accounting) |
SWF | Surface Wave Field |
SWF | System Weight Factor (Delphi Criteria under the DESP II Contract vehicle) |
SWF | Statistical Waterfilling Algorithm |
SWF | Semantic Weighting Factor (algorithm) |